Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scripture Reading and Gatorade!

We all know what the scriptures are and most of us have them in our homes. All of us have access to them. But how many people actually open them up? What's the importance of reading the scriptures? We can to go church if we want to get God's word right? Wrong. Although going to church is good, it's not good enough. Reading the scriptures is what we have to do as well.
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we have a lot of different books of scripture. We are blessed to have the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, The Doctrine and Covenants and of course, The Holy Bible. All of those books are the word of God. All of them should be read daily! There are many reasons why we should read daily but the main reason is so we can obtain a stronger faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel. Having faith in Jesus Christ is the key to life. Without faith in Him, we will not be able to open the doors to the Celestial Kingdom.
We have been commanded by our Loving Heavenly Father to read our scriptures. It's really not that hard to do. We can all talk to Him through prayer and He wants to talk to us.  He will speak to us through the scriptures.
I once heard of scripture reading compared to water. A person must have water to live. We must all read the scriptures to live with Heavenly Father. Some people like to drink Gatorade.  Gatorade gives us more energy and hydrates us throughout the day. Gatorade is compared to the words of the living prophets. Their words help us in our daily lives, give us more spiritual truth and are just all around great for us. I love thinking of it that way because scripture study really does help us just as
 much as water or Gatorade!
Even in the scriptures it warns us what will happen if we don't read: Alma 13 says,
20 "Now I need not rehearse the matter; what I have said may suffice. Behold, the scriptures are before you; if ye will wrest them it shall be to your own destruction."
Now I don't know about you, but I do not want to be destroyed. So unless you want to be destroyed, I would invite you to read the scriptures. Use them. Apply them to your life. I can promise that as you read the scriptures, your faith in Jesus Christ will grow. You will want to follow Him more and you will find that the Spirit of the Lord is with you more. Will you read your scriptures daily?

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