Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fishing and the Atonement

A few weeks ago I went fishing. It was really fun. As I was standing on the shore reeling in my line, I saw the fish grab the hook and take off. It was really cool and it was intense as I was reeling the fish to the shore. It was fighting really bad, like most fish do, and it brought an adrenaline rush to my body. When I finally landed the fish, I realized that I didn't want to eat it. So I took it off the hook and put it back in the water. Catch and release. I continued to fish the rest of the day and really enjoyed catching fish and making memories with some other missionaries. Later that day I was thinking of the fishing trip and the things that happened. I know this is going to sound cheesy but when we fish, we become sort of like Satan. Let me explain why I think that way.
When we have our lines in the water, we are waiting for a fish to grab our bait so we can pull them in and catch them. We do whatever it takes to catch the big one, the monster of the lake. We try different types of baits, lures, all the goods. Of course we will accept any fish that grabs our bait but our main goal is to catch the big one! When we do catch some, the hungry fishers will keep the fish and eat them later on. For those that can spend hours upon hours on the lake will play catch and release. I like catch and release because that way I can catch lots of fish and be on the lake for a longer period of time.
Now how is that related to Satan? Well, Satan does whatever he can to get the "big fish" or in other words, The true disciple of Jesus Christ. A follower of Christ is the hardest to catch but Satan will do anything he can to get us. His "line" is in the water. He is trying his best to make us catch the bait so he can put us in his power. Sometimes a little nibble at the wrong time can hook you. Satan in not one for catch and release. He wants to keep us. He wants to show us off to his followers. Of course Satan, like us, won't just go for the big one, he will take whatever he can. Satan will try all the different kinds of bait that he has. It may be as small as telling a white lie, or it could be as big as not living the law of Chasity. Sometimes, we accidentally grab onto the bait, even the best of the best can make a mistake here or there.

How do we get off the hook of Satan and back into the lake? Jesus Christ made it possible for us to "spit out" the hook and continue onward towards salvation. When Christ was on the earth he performed what came the most important event in the history of the world: He died for us and took upon himself all the sins of the world. This is all called the Atonement. His intense pain made it possible for us to be free of Satan's trap or "hook". In the Book of Mormon, Alma says: "And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people." This means that we can even be freed from the temptations Satan will throw at us. I know that the atonement is the only way to get off the hook of Satan. We all need to use the atonement. Satan does not like to play catch and release, but we can get released if we use the Atonement. No sin is too serious that the Atonement can't fix. I know that to be true.

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