Monday, March 26, 2012

Importance of Friends!

Many people today do not know what to do. They don't know who to turn to. Everyone has at least one person we can turn to and talk with. Even if we don't think we do, in reality, we do. All of us have a friend.

Friends make or break the person we are. If we have good friends, we will be a good person. If we have friends that lead us to do bad things, we will probably do bad things. Why are friends so important? How come friends have such an impact on our choices. I think I might have some answers. Let me explain.

Think of who you are around most of the day. Most of the time, its people other than family. Of course family relationships are much better than friendships but most of us will tend to go with our friends over our family. They have a great impact on our lives. I tend to look back on some of my early friendships. Some of my friends influenced me to do good. Others, to do bad. But I am the person I am today because of my friends. Early in my life, my parents told me to choose friends with the same, or higher, standards than me. They told me that because church leaders have told the world that. In the Strength for the Youth pamphlet it talks on friendships:

"Everyone needs good and true friends. They will be a great strength and blessing to you. They will influence how you think and act, and even help determine the person you will become. They will help you be a better person and will make it easier for you to live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Choose friends who share your values so you can strengthen and encourage each other in living high standards"

I testify to what they said is true.

When I was in jr. high school, I had some really good friends. They helped me to become better and helped me do what was expected of me. But as we started growing up, one of my friends started making wrong choices and started tempting me on things that I did not agree with. I started feeling like I should not be his friend anymore. It hurt me inside to know that I was loosing a good friend because of his actions. Once I got into high school, I started making really good friends. We hung out every weekend. We did some really good activities. Everything that we did helped me progress in life. We were all members of the Church and we sometimes went to church together or even the temple. I was able to talk with them openly and the spirit was with us wherever we went. Those people are all serving full time missions in different places of the world. Its a wonderful thing. Because of my friends, I am doing good things. We should all seek to be friends with many people. But as we do that, use the power of the Holy Ghost to make friendships that will lead to do good.

The Strength for Youth goes on to say: "To have good friends, be a good friend. Show genuine interest in others; smile and let them know you care about them."

I hope that we can all become more like the Savior in showing love to everyone. I know that friendships built upon the teachings of Jesus Christ will be a lasting friendship.

For more information on the Strength for Youth, check out

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