Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Questions about Mormons?

The Book of Mormon is truely another testamant of Jesus Christ! So many people out there wonder what the Book is really about. Is it about Jospeh Smith, Mormon, The "mormon church", or is it another Bible all together? So many peope have questions but they hardly ever go searching to find the answers. As in all other questions that we have, we need to search the answers. When we are doing our math homework and we have a question, what do we do? Most people would search it out in the book itself. They would look for the answer for themselves. It is sometimes good to ask people that might know the answer but sometimes people will give answers just so they can look smart or something. The same with the Book of Mormon. When we have questions about it, why not just open it up and find out for yourself what it is really about. Some people think they know everything that the "Mormons" believe but in reality, they dont. If you have questions about Mormons, ask a Mormon. If I had a question about math, i would not go to the English teacher or the P.E. teacher. I would go to the math teacher. If I had a question about the Catholic belief, I would talk to a Catholic. If you have questions about "Mormons" or anything like that, talk to a mormon. is a great place as well to get some of your questions answered.
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is lead by Christ himself. I know that The Book of Mormon is true and can bless you so much in your daily life!
Check out the website :)