Sunday, February 12, 2012

Faith + Prayer = Miracles

This past week some wonderful things happened with myself and my companion. Heavenly Father blessed us. Although we always get blessings from Him, most of them go unrecognized by people. Most people think its just something that happened. I know that everything that we have is from our Loving Heavenly Father.
In missionary work, missionaries tend to do things themselves and not rely on the Spirit of God or on Jesus Christ. I know that I have fell into that trap. But that's not what we are supposed to do at all. We always need to rely on our Savior, to help us with everything. When we rely on Him, the work goes so much better!
One day just over a week ago, my companion and I sat down to plan out for the week. We planned how many lessons we wanted to teach. We had a pretty good goal to teach like 18 lessons when we remembered that our mission president told us to work harder and to teach more lessons. We talked about it and moved our goals to 21 lessons which is teaching 3 lessons a day. We made plans on how to do it. When we finished with our planning we got on our knees to tell Heavenly Father what we wanted to do and how we planned to do it and asked for His support. After the prayer we went out to work. We went and did what we said we would do. We prayed everyday and asked for His help. We were able to teach nearly 3 lessons that day and some days we taught 4 lessons. At the end of the week we ended up teaching 17 lessons. I don't say this to brag about how Elder Sherrow and I did. I say this because we relied upon the Lord Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. We prayed with faith. We worked with faith. We knew that miracles could happen with Heavenly Father and Christ on our side. I testify that as you have faith in the Lord, anything can happen!
We should all strive to do things the Lords way and not our way. As we do, good things will come into our life. Who wouldn't want good things to happen? Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the first thing that we need to make good things happen.